It was an extra wedding gift..

This is another real-life story from our case-files here at The A Firm…

Mr & Mrs A had just come back from their honeymoon to find a letter from the ATO asking for full payment of their $20K+ ATO / GST debt.

They had been on a payment plan and hadn’t realised they hadn’t met the ATO requirements for payment.

After a frantic, phone call from the client our admin team went into action to investigate and then negotiate a new payment plan. They managed to get the payment amounts reduced from what the ATO originally asked for by 30% – ($600) and removed the upfront payment, which makes a big difference to their monthly cash flow and also enables them to pay their ongoing ATO commitments on time.

The clients felt that they are now back starting their married life on the right foot with the ATO, and each other.

Do you have an ATO issue, let us help you.
