Video marketing is making a huge (positive) impact on 2022 businesses. Savvy business owners are already organizing shoots for their hero products and drafting scripts, but a great video is a comprehensive project.
Want to know the essential components of an outstanding marketing video for your business?
There’s no better way to engage your audience & convey your brand message in an authentic, compelling manner.
So we’ve compiled the four most essential features of a successful marketing video!
Show Don’t Tell
Too many businesses trying to make a video for the first time make this unfortunate mistake: telling, instead of showing.
A great marketing video will intrigue, excite and entertain audiences, as much as it will inform and educate. It will show how your product or service can help the viewer in real time, and leave them with a basic understanding but excited to learn more.
Simply explaining your product or service in a video will lead to drop-off rates & unengaged audiences.
The fastest way to have your video fail is to talk at your audience. Instead, try to illustrate your focus point and immerse viewers in an experience – rather than a simple How To video.
Convey A Story
The best way to show your product or service in a great light is to thread a narrative through your video.
By conveying a story, your video will stand out from the rest of the noise on your viewer’s newsfeed. What it will also do is allow you to attach emotions to your video, and possibly resonate with your target audience at a deeper level than simply transactional.
Writing a story for your video (even a simple thirty second plot) may seem daunting – and will require extra work – but this is by far the best way to leave a lasting impression on your audiences & pull on their heartstrings.
Focus, Niche & Specialize

Even the very best marketing videos will suffer from large amounts of viewer drop-off. It’s simply the reality for modern day marketing: most industries are so oversaturated with ads, and we are constantly bombarded with media throughout the day, that most videos will have less than three seconds to grab a viewer’s attention.
This is why it’s crucial to make your marketing video as relevant as possible to your viewers.
You can achieve this by niching your video. Some of the best marketing videos from well known companies will focus on a single hero product, a particular service that they offer, or a very specific type of audience.
This way, your video can avoid overwhelming viewers with too much information and avoid losing their interest because the viewer deems the video irrelevant.
Squeeze The Most Out Of That Video
The biggest mistake that business owners make with a new marketing video is as surprising as it is unfortunate: they don’t make the most out of it!
Some business owners will make the mistake of only uploading their new video to a website, and simply leave it at that.
Your new marketing video should be broadcasted to your contact database & top of funnel audiences at every available opportunity.
Some ways you can make the most of your new video marketing video are:
- Post it to your business’s Facebook & Instagram pages
- Run it as a Facebook Video Views or Lead generation ad
- Publish your new video to your company LinkedIn page
- Create a landing page for your new video and combine it with product specific copy
- Post the video to your Business YouTube page (by integrating the YouTube URL, your website will load the video much faster.)
- Consider splicing the video up into shorts to use for future content creation
- Imbed this video on any relevant blog posts (particularly pages that receive a high amount of web traffic)
- If this video is for a new product or service, consider email blasting your contact database with an update & include the video
Of course, a great marketing video will require coordinating with a team of experts, & a sizable financial investment. If you want to make sure such an investment is in line with your financial growth plans, then give The A Firm a call today – we’ll make sure your finances are sorted!