There’s no doubt that social media is a tremendously powerful tool for growing any business. In this day and age, it has become all but compulsory for a business to be successful.
Social media is so crucial for businesses because platforms like Facebook & Instagram are one of the primary channels for discovering new customers.
Not only do nine out of ten people discover new businesses on social media, (through friends) but Facebook & Instagram are one of the main ways new customers will judge whether you are trustworthy or not – through social proof.
Are you looking to grow your business fast and sustainably? Then follow these A Firm Top Tips to leverage social media to do just that!
Sooner Or Later, You’ll Have To Consider Facebook Ads
There’s no question that you can scale your business without having to pay a cent on social media.
But the fact is the fastest way to grow your business is through Facebook ads.
Essentially, Facebook ads will let you show your business to hundreds of thousands of people on Facebook – and Instagram too! It’s a great way to re-invest in your business with surplus cash.
(No, you don’t need an Instagram page to run ads on it; and yes, Facebook and Instagram are owned by the same company!)
The thing is: posting organically – no matter how good your content is, or how consistent your posting schedule – is a long game. New leads and customers will take months to accumulate.
Ads on the other hand will jumpstart your business – you could see new leads on Day One!
Here are some of the biggest advantages to using Facebook ads:
- Facebook ads let you target specific audiences based on age, gender, interests and who they interact with on Facebook. This means you can target exactly the type of person you want to see your ads!
- Facebook’s algorithm will show your ads to the people most likely to take action, for the cheapest cost, and it will learn to do better with every passing day.
- You can tweak your ad campaign to achieve whatever result you want, such as: engagement (likes, share), lead generation, sales, page likes or video views!
- and it does all of this in the background 24/7 while you work, sleep and play – talk about employee of the year!
Post Your Own Organic Content Regularly
Your content doesn’t need to be entirely paid ads. In fact, it’s just as important that you post to your FB page consistently as it is to run ads.
Most businesses will want to aim for a post every second day, with a story every other day.
Not only does this actually enhance any ads that you’re running (FB’s AI will learn from your posts), but it also makes your page a lot friendlier and more engaging to your customers.
Here are some of the most beneficial reasons to post constantly to your page:
- People who visit your page want to see a business that is alive. If the first thing they see is a post from two years ago – you’ve lost their business
- Posting regularly keeps your business in the front of customer’s mind when your post pops up on their newsfeed
- A regular posting schedule gives more opportunity for social engagement
- Posting frequently will slowly build your followers over time – it all adds up!
Content Is King On Social Media
In order to succeed in growing your business on social media, you’re going to need content – and lots of it!
High quality content is essential to your page. You cannot simply repost the same old thing every week; every post needs to engage your followers and add value to their day. Give them a reason to view your content.
Otherwise, you risk irritating followers and losing them. Likewise, if you are not posting consistently, your follower count will slowly dwindle away.
The good news is high quality content is not necessarily hard to come by. You can consider posting the following types if you ever run out of ideas:
- Blog posts
- Testimonials
- Updates
- Promotions
- An image of your staff working
- Case studies
- Videos of what you did at work that day
- Even an inspiring quote!
Important: when you do post, make sure you cross-post to all your other platforms. You may also consider splicing a blog post up into three or four different quotes to post, etc.

Did you know that if you’re running FB ads, you can actually target them towards people who have already interacted with your content? This is known as retargeting. These people are more likely to take action, like book your services! So make sure your content is always engaging.
Interaction is Key
Make sure to always interact with your followers at every opportunity.
This is such an important part of growing your business on social media but often neglected by most businesses.
Every comment must be liked and replied to – yes, every single one!
Responding to comments is so important because it:
- Shows an active FF page
- Massages your FB pixel and greatly enhances your running ads
- Indicates to new customers if they have a question, it will be answered promptly
- You may get a few new leads out of every post!
Keep an eye out for messages as well. After sending a message to a FB page, most people have about thirty minutes tops before they either:
- Completely forgot about your business and the message they sent, meaning they are no longer interested.
- Moved on to a competitor!
Social media is an incredibly powerful and fast way to grow your business. Although most companies will hire a full-time employee (or two!) to manage it, you can definitely go a long way on your own. Remember: always try to hit both organic and paid marketing!
If you’d like to grow your business even faster, then consider hiring an accountant along with their recommended social media expert! The A Firm is now offering a free thirty minute discovery call. Learn how we can save your business astronomical amounts in tax this EOFY and put you in touch with our social media expert!