Your Goals – 5 Tips On Staying Focused

Time to focus in on the important things – Your goals.

 For many of us, our daily tasks seem to get in the way of achieving our goals. This is especially true for people in business. It can be a constant challenge to keep your vision, strategy and business goals moving forward.

Daily issues that we face as we manage our business’ – people, processes, equipment can distract us from accomplishing our goals. So what can we do about keeping the focus on our goals daily?

  1.  Firstly Break it down – Use a Goal Calendar

    Don’t try to achieve all of your goals at once. Utilise a monthly calendar to focus on only 1-2 goals for that month – and give yourself due dates to work towards.

  2. Give yourself Time

    Schedule time in to your calendar to work on your goals. Most of us have smart phones that we can use to create reminders to help with this.

  3.  No Person is an Island

    Use your team to help keep the focus and work on your goals as a group. Use your team to with identifying barriers to goal completion. Your team may be employees, partners or trusted advisors such as your Accountant.

  4.  Know your “Why”

    The reasons why we go into business in the first place vary but it is always worthwhile knowing your “Why” as this helps to keep us focused firmly on the how.

  5.  Check yourself

    Keep an eye on how you are progressing with working towards your goals. Review your goals on a regular basis and adjust as required.


It’s a fact that we can get distracted easily with competing priorities. We cannot risk being slowed down – it’s vital to stay focused on what will move our business/organisation forward.
Do something for yourself and your business – stop and map out a plan that will allow you to achieve your goals. If you need to make an appointment with someone to work with you on this – do it now!
