What Important Task can you complete before January is over?

Hang on – but it’s not even December yet and you’re asking questions about January?!?
An article that I read recently has made me ask the question “Do I think about the consequence or effect this task will have on my time?
Is choosing to do this activity/task creating conflict between what’s important and what is urgent?

It’s tricky to Prioritise

It’s common for us when working through our daily “to do” list to put off important tasks to attend to the urgent things that demand our attention – NOW. There always seems to be more urgent things to do than organise our financial lives.
The bills we have to pay are more than we expect and the list goes on
I have multiple “daily to do lists” – my work one, my home one and sometimes even a to list for a specific event – even with all these lists the urgent demands drop some of those items lower than they should be. It’s hard to prioritise.
On my list but getting lower can be items like – review Home insurance policy, re-write our wills – important but not attention grabbing – until something happens.

Take advantage of holiday time

Christmas is coming – in fact its 31 Days away and for us here in Australia that means a lot of us will be having a few days or weeks off work.
How about we set ourselves the challenge of crossing one of those important things off our list before the end of January. There are less interruptions and the demands on your attention will be different.
Think about using some of those days off to talk about this important thing with your partner. You might not resolve it completely but make it a priority. Then after your holiday set some actions to take to get that important thing checked off your list by Australia Day.
