Small Business Digital Grants Open

The Small Business Digital Grants Program provides small businesses with access to digital technologies and services to enable them to work smarter, engage with the global economy and make the most of online business opportunities arising from digital disruption.

Available funding

Matching funding of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) may be provided to eligible businesses for the purchase of hardware, software and services (such as digital coaching). The business must show that the digital technology or service purchased and adopted will enhance the digital capabilities of their business and help them to be more competitive and employ more staff.

Up to 20% of the applicant’s co-contribution amount can be an in-kind element for their personal time being trained in new technologies.

The digital technology or service must fall under one of five identified priority areas:

  • digital marketing and social media
  • digital content (web pages, mobile apps, media etc.)
  • receiving payments or selling online
  • specialised digital technology or software (business specific)
  • digital planning and advice/training.

Payment will be made directly to the business on completion of the project and on presentation of proof of payment for the product or service. The value of the grant payment will be increased to compensate for any GST.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible the business must:

  • have fewer than 20 employees at the time of applying for the grant
  •  have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST
  • have Queensland headquarters or significant Queensland-based operations
  • declare if any owners or directors of the business are an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent.
  • The participating business must provide a project report on completion of the project detailing how the funds were spent and the impact it has had on the business.

Only 1 application per year will be accepted from an individual ABN or business address.

Important dates

Round 1 opens on 8 November 2016 and closes 9 December 2016.

Further rounds will open in March and June 2017.

Businesses will be surveyed 12 months after the completion of the project.

Who should apply

All Queensland-based small businesses can apply. The business must show that the digital technology or service purchased will enhance the digital capabilities of the business and help them to be more competitive.


Before applying, please read the Small Business Digital Grants Program Application Guidelines.

How to apply

Online applications are now open.

When applying, please refer to the:

How you will be assessed

All applications will be assessed against eligibility criteria. Further assessment will include:

the extent to which the digital technology or service will enhance the digital capabilities of the business to make the business more competitive
the potential and likelihood the activity will deliver jobs growth
value for money.

Further information

For further information about the program and application process, refer to the guidelines or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).
